Oh you are sneaky! You found this place as a part of you that loves wisdom, inspiration, transformation, joy & loves to play. Congratulations! Enjoy….
Skywriting Across The Universe uPdated weekly including:
Markoisms Future self messages, Memos from the Angels etc.
Playful inspirational time released capsules of cosmic wisdom & humor. They are created to stimulate neural networking star-bursts of positive creative spiritual energy.
To affirm, reaffirm, confirm, terraform & tickle your dream potentials into motion & reality. Yer weekly chewable multi vitamin “See”, for mind, body, soul & beyond.
Oh, don’t forget tattoo & superglue to memory your favorites!
- Skywriting Across The Universe markoworld.com Image credit fromthefreeman.net
This weeks Skywriting notes for 5.5.14
What’s your mind’s main occupation?
Now, look at how your life is going.
Imagine what awaits us when we out-grow violence, financial inequality, etc., and liberate ourselves into the Cosmic Alliance of the Galactic Council of Universal Beings? Whew!
Be the change you love to see! That’s y/our new trademark— superglue (&/or tattoo) it to your memory and daily practice.
The human condition is a divine dichotomy (or paradox) that’s both perfect & imperfect at the same time. That’s the joy, the perplexity, the challenge & adventure we are in.
What music CD will you play for your “After Death or Continuation-Day Party Mix”?
With all the new technology and spiritual awakening, it’s an exciting time! Yes we live in a world with too much suffering, spiritual ignorance, inequality (especially financial) and so much pain. That’s where we come in: to lessen & elevate in any & all the ways we can.
Start with pebbles of gratitude & move on from there.
3 levels of belief:
1-Individual (our own beliefs)
2-Collective Beliefs (of the world in general)
3-Cosmic Beliefs (beyond our world)
“When people are encountering particularly difficult times, and are doing so on a continuing, ongoing, seemingly never-ending basis, I always invite them to look closely at what they are saying about Life, and how they are thinking about it.” -NDW
Over-heard: “Serve Humanity, Not Money.”
You can polish & sprinkle all the glitter you want on it, but it’s still a turd.
T-Shirt: “Well, the voices in my head keep me company, and I’m no longer lonely.”
The Huge problems we face are the current growing pains of a new world spiritual renaissance in the making, awaiting our continued awakening & enlightenment. (The emotional-spiritual-energetic uPgrade before the dust settles)
“Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.” – Eckhart Tolle
This weeks Skywriting notes for 4.21.14 are brought to you by: Buddha Lite Beer, Hindu Chocolate Bar Company, Farmer Cuticles Organic Carmel Apple Orchards, Knots Gummy Bear Farm.
What’s your mind’s main occupation?
Now, look at how your life’s going.
Imagine what awaits us when we out-grow violence, financial inequality, etc., and liberate ourselves into the Cosmic Alliance of the Galactic Council of Universal beings? Whew!
Be the change you love to see! That’s y/our new trademark to superglue &/or tattoo to your memory and daily practice.
The human condition is a divine dichotomy (or paradox) that’s both perfect & imperfect at the same time.
What music will you play for your “After Death or Continuation-Day Party Mix” CD?
With all the new technology and spiritual awakening, it’s an exciting time! Yes we live in a world with too much suffering, spiritual ignorance, inequality (especially financial) and so much pain. That’s where we come in: to lessen & elevate in any/all the ways we can.
Start with pebbles of gratitude & move on from there.
3 levels of belief:
1-Individual (our own beliefs)
2-Collective Beliefs (of the world in general)
3-Cosmic Beliefs (beyond our world)
“When people are encountering particularly difficult times, and are doing so on a continuing, ongoing, seemingly never-ending basis, I always invite them to look closely at what they are saying about Life, and how they are thinking about it.” -NDW
Over-heard: “Serve Humanity, Not Money.”
You can sprinkle all the glitter you want on it, but it’s still a turd.
T-Shirt: “Well, the voices in my head keep me company, and I’m no longer lonely.”
The Huge problems we face are the current growing pains of a new world spiritual renaissance in the making, awaiting our continued awakening & enlightenment. (The emotional spiritual energetic uPgrade before the dust settles)
“Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.” – Eckhart Tolle
This week’s Skywriting notes for 4.14.14 are sponsored by:Hovercraft Carwash Services, Astral-body Taxidermy Service, Galaxy Star Polishers, Inc;
Number one intentions for the month:
- To imbibe the wonderful energy that’s within me, which produces very fulfilling and productive moments & days.
- That I feel a chronic sense of physical, mental & spiritual well-being all the time.
Seen on a t-shirt: “I’d love to explain it to you, but I don’t have any crayons.”
Incorrect: “They buried grandpa today.”
More correct: “They buried grandpa’s body today.”
There is no such thing as death – life is continuous – simply changing forms! There is death of your physical body, not you.
It’s okay to go into overtime with Gratitude, Appreciation and Compassion.
New law to consider: If something good can happen, it probably will.
On a t-shirt “Trust me, you can dance.”
signed -Alcohol
Message to Mr. Rigidity: Overcome your occupational allergy to openness & flexibility.
Isn’t it time to stop the heavy & gravitational, downward spiraling into the sinkhole of endless negativity & depression, with their arsenic-laced and nauseating influence, which clouds the light of the spirit within you? The answer is YES!
Move from a state of resistance, to a state of allowing. BE clear on what you want and decide that it is on its way.
As for Gratitude & Appreciation, go ahead — be Deliciously Overindulgent.
The End is near, or
a new Beginning is near?
That’s Zen-sational!
I work & play to stay in a permanent state of GRATITUDE. If I fall back, I don’t remorsefully condemn myself, I simply re-adjust & move back into it.
Peace & harmony trump theoretical, metaphysical, and illusionary abstractions. First reach, maintain and sustain peace & harmony. The rest will follow.
Inhaling Love, exhaling Gratitude
This week’s Skywriting notes for 4.7.14 are sponsored by:
Alien Ship Black-Box Forensics & Detective Magazine. The “Mothers Against Garden Gnomes” Society. The Terminal Joy and Wellness Club.
Visualize the change you desire to see & watch it be, eventually.
Overheard: Always speak your truth with love.
The very worst of humanity is crying for help & healing — will we love them back to wholeness, or simply add complaining, condemning energy?
If the heart is like a window, it might be easier to open it than to have it broken. Your choice.
Gratitude & Appreciation auto-magically jump start your life in a favorable direction quickly & efficiently. Start with the little things first, and work & play toward even more things to Appreciate & feel good about.
I was told to get some depression pills. Doc says I’m too happy … I gotta take it down a few notches! :-)
No storm lasts forever.
We have personal baggage and global baggage. Let us work & play to lighten our baggage to carry-on status; thus, we walk this earth lightly, and with a less heavy heart & more joy.
In the near future:
Gratitude, appreciation, & compassion, will be seen to be so health-giving, life-affirming & solution-bringing, that we simply adopt them on a collective basis because they work & play so very much in our favor.
Don’t be hard on yourself; be compassionate & loving on yourself, imperfections and all.
Yow! Imagine what awaits us when we out-grow violence, financial inequality, etc.!
Today I send you industrial-grade, premium-strength, high-octane, turbo-charged, opti-mystical, high-definition, digitally-enhanced, technicoloured, wireless, socially relevant, multifarious blessings!
This weeks Skywriting notes for 4.14.14. Brought to you by
This weeks Skywriting notes for 3.31.14 Brought to you by Organic, free range shovels & the Carbonated Vegetables farms.
Overheard “Are your excuses more important than your dreams?”
I run a re-tox center!
The bottom line of any thing that we seek is really simply release from the feeling or experience we no longer wish to have.
Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal.
– A Course in Miracles
Everything works exactly as it is supposed to based on the choices we make.
Splattered with chocolate, love & compassion.
From Visualization Imagineers!
We accept love & have compassion with what shows up. Whether welcomed or not. What else can we do? Yet we can tweak what shows up by continuously pouring and waterfalling our Highest most loving creative feeling thoughts & desires for the best possible outcome.
Give yourself the permission to feel good, to enjoy life & help others enjoy theirs too.
Overheard “You already know the financial cost. Now ask yourself, “What is the cost of me not doing this?”
“What is this showing me about myself that I perhaps don’t want to look at?”
“Ask this question about anything negative.”
Negative thoughts are your souls message to get you to change what you don’t like or prefer to what you do love, enjoy & prefer.
Spread the love like wildfire.
What I’m suggesting here is that we experiment, have fun and play the game we wished we were experiencing in life, and in doing so, we will gain uPliftment in our mood and feelings. That in itself is a gift, and a blessing we are creating and generating!
Yes, we play it in our mind first, and eventually, it fills uP so much space, it spills out, and we play it out in other creative ways. In our actions and behaviors. In whatever inspired ways feel right and good for us to do so.
Give yourself the gift of positive inner dialog and never fear the consequences for doing so. From:
By the way, No one gets tired of being appreciated.
This weeks Skywriting notes & Sponsors!
Snap-Crackle-n-Popsicle Cereal, The “I can’t help it if I’m annoyingly RIGHT!” Mensa Support Group, and The Love-Yourself-to-Wholeness Society.
Stardate: 3.22.14
Visualization, your inner Prayerformance
Gratitude & Appreciation, y/our natural painkilling remedies.
Want the BIG Shift of world transformation? Well start thinking, visualizing, feeling it’s possibility first. Do this regardless of current appearances & world events. This playful joyful creative Imagining is the first step to attach to it like minded energy so it can grow expand & reach critical mass.
May you live long & prosper beyond your wildest dreams!
What if reality was the way we wished, imagined, longed for with so much more good than bad? We simply have not accepted that possibility & that is why it hasn’t shown up that way. Well not yet!
The body is simply the clothes the soul wears to enter physicality!
Let me introduce you to my daughters Chlamydia & Malaria.
Meet my long lost daughters Kundalini & Transcendence.
Expand & volumize your joy.
Mastery is not measured by the number of terrible things you eliminate from your life, but by the number of times you eliminate calling them terrible. -Neale Donald Walsch
Seen on a T-shirt:
“Sarcasm, it’s my seconded language”
The good life is simply patiently waiting for our recognition.
A secret of life,– when things look really bad or potentially bad is to move into wonder, anticipation & curiosity & let life’s magic take it’s course.
Neuter & spay those negative self defeating thoughts.
When you are more evolved you come back as a cat or dog in a loving home…..at least that’s what my imagination tells me!
Your daily thoughts & feelings today are creating your tomorrows & your long term reality. Choose them wisely.
This weeks Skywriting notes Sponsored by:
Budweiser, the Martin Luther & B. B. King of Beers, The Faberge’ Egg Salad and Egg Nog Dairy Farms, The Hillary Clinton Premium Red Pants-suit Outlet Store, Elderly Internet Carbon-Dating Services.
Startdate 3.16.14
Embrace, rather than identify with, confusion, frustration, pain etc. Find its gift and open it, find its blessing and celebrate it.
Effective Immediately! New Pledge of Allegiance for all Public Schools: “I Pledge to be the change I want & love to see in others & the world.”
“Is all bad, just good, challenging itself in secret disguise?”
Let’s visualize we live in a world where our leaders no longer allow (insert problem), instead of continually stating how much we dislike it, which only reinforces the very energy we want to stop.
You don’t have to stay in the drama any more!
Note from future self:
How to help the world? “Daily add that positive possibility energy that attaches itself to like energy, enlarges as a result and becomes another attractive influence for the world to latch onto.”
Can you stop being the Minister of Defensive-ness?
Seen on a t-shirt: “I don’t need Google, my wife knows everything”
Hit the destruct button on y/our negative self defeating thinking.
Know someone annoying?
They’re like a turd that keeps circling the bowl & never going down!” :-) Have compassion on such people, including ourselves.
You are not unique, but YOUnique
How do I like my eggs done? Faberge style!
Can you accept that problems are simply blessings not yet recognized?
Memo from the Angels:
Make Gratitude & Appreciation your chosen state of being. Amen.
This weeks Skywriting notes Sponsored by:
International Peace Mongers Union, Gratuitous Kindness & Appreciation Club, The “Prophets before Profits” Corporation, Karma-covered Apples, Inc.,
(Includes notes on the Disney Chakra, comments from y/our future self, memo from the Angels, etc.)
Any moment you appreciate & feel gratitude, you praise all life & give it the gift of positive energy that ripples onward & God smiles.
There is a saying “Follow your path to the end. Accept difficulty as an opportunity. This is the sure way to end up with no difficulties at all”
Ahh yes, Life born & created out of positive conscious deliberate intention.
Loch Ness Monster insurance anyone?
Note from future self:
“Your Mentality is your Reality”
Memo from the Angels:
Love them back to wholeness & never fear the consequences.
Flash news uPdate, this just in!
HELP!–I’m a victim of Inspiration and Good Taste! Quick, who can I blame?
Ahhh, the majesty, opulence of peace & compassion!
Okay, life’s not all Unicorns, rainbows & cotton candy. But maybe, just maybe, sometimes?
That’s because,…
I found my:
The Disney Chakra :-)
My inner child says “Must I always put a restraining order on all those delicious deserts?”
It’s okay, give yourself Self Applausement!
Original Blessing :
You are still blessed in spite of your perceived mistakes.
Sound unfortunately familiar?
“He’s a Minister of Defensiveness. His hobbies include losing his temper, bashing gays & blacks & being a professional victim.” Have compassion on such individuals & mentalities. That’s where the healing begins & continues, thanks to you & me!
Hatred, cruelty, ignorance.
We do our part by imagining & visualizing that this in no longer a part of our world. It won’t stop it immediately of course, but it will move the energy of this faster & attach itself to more like energy. Be a part of that very attractive energy!
Divinity & wisdom in everyday life.
Seen on a performing arts ad:
Explore the past.
Embrace the now.
Envision the Future
How to become an Emotional Millionaire
This weeks skywriting notes. Brought to you by: The All-star Wrestlers, Body Builders & Super Heroes Knitting Club; The “I’m allergic to liars, hypocrites, bigots” Support Group; and, Fire & Brimstone Barbecue Restaurants. Stardate 3.2.14
Where does your dominant energy & feelings lean? I’m a Positively Obsessively Compulsive Optimistic.
Be a Inventive Solution Maker.
Have a compassion attack!
Percolating with the magnitude of gratitude.
I have an honorary degree in brilliant attitudes.
Want a quick fix for your problems? I offer this:
Gratitude & Appreciation. Indulge in this luxury life offers like a gift box of emotional, psychological, spiritual life affirming, life enhancing chocolates.
Song Lyric from the Angels:
“Love the pain away”
From Don’t Misunderstand, Etta Jones
Can someone tell me the password to enlightenment? :-)
Love them back to wholeness.
Detonating an explosion of gratitude & appreciation.
You are a colourful animated technicoloured, rotating holographic tattoo on the cosmic body of Life.
Watch out for cross dressing Vampire Zombie Clown Vultures!
“The next Buddha may take the form of a community…practicing understanding and loving kindness …practicing mindful living… carried out as a group, as a city, as a nation.” – Thich Nhat Hahn
First take them out of their pain, solutions will follow.
Revolutions, Re-solutions, Soul-utions
This weeks Skywriting notes recommended by
9 out of 10 Dentists, Cookie-Eating Shamans, & Yeti’s.
Stardate 2.23.14
Every morning when you wake uP, the Angels hit the applause button!
When we look out into the vast Universe, we see ourselves & God simultaneously. We are the size we are so that we can stand back & see how wondrous, magnificent & infinite we are.
Become a Positive self talk Genius. The rest will take care of itself.
Star Trek transporter advice: Disassembling our negative thoughts &
recombobulating them to positive.
Don’t you think it’s time to start passing on the positive thinking & brilliant attitude genes?
Memo from the Angels:
Be infected with terminal Optimism with a Aggressively Compassionate attitude.
Some people are just flat lined corpse walking zombies, brain dead, brain washed & comfortably comatose inside the forest of their unconscious lobotomized souls. Forgive them, they too will wake uP, as we are starting to now.
Overheard song lyric: “The love you deny is the pain you carry.”
What brand of soap do brainwashers use?
It’s all about unclaimed, unacknowledged, unredeemed gratitude, blessings & wonderfulness we deny we have.
Flash News Report:
From the interstellar office of the Cosmic Galactic Alliance Federation Overseers:
Alien spirits remote control brain washing & telepathic mind control with advance technological manipulation frequencies! This includes illegal shapeshifting temporarily reincarnating in holographic human form. Be warned! :-)
Contrasting ideas don’t always have to be conflictual.
RU a professional victim? Chronic complainer or Master Appreciator?
This weeks skywriting notes brought to you by E=MC (rice krispy) Squares.
Time to delve into some cosmic marshmellowee gooyness…..
Stardate 2.16.2014
The Love & Gratitude virus is contagious, spread it around gratuitously like Jelly & jam. infect everyone!
Urgent Message from your future self!
Please give yourself permission to have a great life! No matter how it’s showing up at the moment.
Turn your fear into adventure.
Sometimes we are “Stuck in a moment” that was hurtful, damaging or wounding & we sit in that moment for years or even decades, until we decide it’s time to move on & break the spell –of a moment, that we made last way too long, so, Stop it!
Alien & government conspiracies revealed! Sources say that all those multi colored flavored Froot Loops cereal all taste exactly the same! Heaven forfend!!!.. and fruit? What fruit? Will the conspiracies & lies ever end?
How much awfulizing, catastrophizing, miserablizing, bitching do you need to do, to make your complaining complete?
I think I’d like to graduate majoring in Terminal Blessings and Chronic well beingness.
I’ll take my chances by being more deliberate & conscious than allow the unconscious collective to decide things for me.
Next time a friend is about to tell you a story tell them, “I want to hear the non-drowsy version.”
I know that if we do in any significant way create, pull in, influence our personal reality & to another extent, the collective reality, I fully engage in producing & exporting the best possible loving energy for myself & others.
From the Hmmmm dept:
How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain?
— Abraham
If brain size determines intelligence, dolphins & whales are superior.
Memo from the Angels:
When putting your daily attitudinal makeup on, don’t forget to apply a little mirth & lightheartedness on & less application of seriousness.
Message from Life:
Just in case you didn’t know-tice: The first 4 letters of Evolve has love spelled backwards in it. Hhhmmmmm. Compliments of the Universe.
This weeks Skywriting notes: Now with 50% more Hutzpah! Stardate 2.9.14
Help! I’ve been infected with the ridiculously fun virus!
Perfection notes:
As my good friend Therese Wilson says:
“Even when life sucks, it sucks perfectly!”
We are perfectly imperfect.
It’s been said: Everything about the Universe is perfect, including y/our desire to change it.
Life is set uP perfectly. We can perfectly use or abuse or misuse life. Our choice.
Perfection is in the choices we have.
“Help! My memory foam mattress is talking back to me!”
Negativity does not have to hijack our thinking, but is actually there to move us out of it!
Desirable problem:
I’m sooo, tired from counting & picking up all my blessings everyday!
Bad names: Dr. Vomit, Mr. Stalefish & Mrs. Stinkworm.
Work, play & practice: doing no harm, hurt or damage to anyone. Including yourself.
You can’t be, what you can’t see.
Ad seen in back of my imaginary comic book:
You can be a musician instantly for only $19.99!
Learn to play the Shoehorn & Conundrum!
Message from your future self:
Direct all useless negative thoughts to the trash bin. Thank you.
Memo from the Angels:
Increase your compassion threshold, it’s the universal fabric softener all spiritual travelers use. Don’t leave home without it.
This weeks wise & whimsy Skywritings Stardate: 2.2.14
Cool idea: What if everyone at the Super Bowl (and those watching at home) took 1 minute of silence, before the game started to just visualize world peace & prosperity? Just for the fun of it.
Energy is the play-dough & silly putty of the universe. Use it with playful, creative abandonment.
A Triple Dog Dare manifesting challenge.
How about intending and creating weekly, or even daily, belly laughs, as part of your inner child coming out to play!
Be Ridiculously Grateful
Don’t air brush, cover girl make-up, or celebrity spray-tan over problems. Embrace them as opportunities, as life enhancements, in disguise, with surprise & brilliant cracker jack prizes inside them, always.
My name is Mr. Osophy: Phil Osophy.
There is a song that says, “Some of God’s greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers.”
We give too much energy attention to our disagreements.
Message from the Universe seen on a license plate:
B Loving
I’m working toward my degree in “brilliant attitudes!”
Why are people so attached to their pain & negativity? What’s the payoff?
Doc says you have a case of “Terminal Blessings, metastasizing into Chronic Well-Beingness.”
The master says: Can you still be grateful no matter the outcome?
Message from future self:
Create your life with effervescent creativity, mixed with extravagant optimism.
This weeks playful skywriting notes stardate 1.26.14
Help! I’ve been infected with the peace virus!
Appreciate and Luxuriate in the abundance of simple things first, as there is so much of it!
Overheard: “Truth is truth, no matter what the source.”
Waterfall appreciations in celebration to all life.
Re-Visioning life.
Excuse me why I eat some magical draft beer flavored jelly beans.
Magical super charged blessings! Always & all ways.
Over heard: GOD has no religion, only people do.
Warning! Watch out for redneck gun toting time traveling zombie dinosaurs! :-)
Many make money the primary rather than peace, joy, happiness, fun etc. Make money secondary to peace, joy, happiness, fun & the money will flow more easily.
Overheard: Sometimes the smallest keys open the biggest locks.
Will we have problems when interstellar travel is more common & we decide who owns certain mineral rich planets in our milky way galaxy?
Intuition: the God chip gene located in the heart of all beings.
If you must have a judgment, dial it down with the fabric softener of compassion.
Living in a whirlpool of optimism
without air brushing over problems we encounter, but instead embracing them.
Notes for January 19, 2014
Remember too, if you can consider & conceive of it:
That God, Life the Universe, however you define it, — is greater than your problems & there are solutions not yet realized in store for you. Compliments of the Universe. :-)
Help!!!…..I’m a victim of terminal happiness!
The Magical Domino Ripple Effect of Appreciation & Gratitude.
Honor & respect for all life & all the things we use, while mindfully disposing of things, recycling & not wasting. Take cues from nature, nature does not waste!
“How big of a barcode do you think you need to scan the Milky way?
Deploying good feelings every morning as your necessary opti-mystical vitamin see!, for your health, wealth & well being.
Life styles of the rich & spiritual
Redesigning our thinking
Life may be a optical Illusion, a Cosmic Holograph, a divine Star Trek holodeck created for us to use or abuse/ ab-Use. Because we abuse our free will & power is not the fault of the system, but the user.
Make Brilliant Choices!
If it walks like a robot,
lights up & blinks like a robot,
grinds & buzzes like a robot,
it’s probably a robot!
You get what you are, not what you want.
-Wayne Dyer
Notes for January 12, 2014
I allow & give myself permission to have terminal well being & chronic prosperity.
Ahh yes, the Majesty & Opulence of Peace.
New Slogan: “Your Mentality is your Reality”
Does your personal robot suffer from RRD? Robots with repetitive rust disorder!
Drenched in the floods & tidal waves of gratitude & passionate appreciations.
Ahhhhh, just sprinkle some pink fairy dust & Unicorn glitter & it will be all better!
waterfall Light & Love on your issues & see what happens. Your choice.
All of Life is a conversation with God, and every one of us is having that experience in every moment of our existence. We have been simply calling it something else. -NDW
So now we can deliberately choose to focus on what we do like, what we do love & prefer. In doing so, reality at some point has to conform, confirm and affirm to our more dominant feelings & thinking that we have.
Multiply & clone those good thoughts & feelings!
Become one of the The Mega Emotionally wealthy!
Don’t dis-connect, reconnect
Join the Visioneers club
Bonus quote/prayer of the week. Just came in! Whew! Nice….
I move through life,
With love and grace
Through time and infinite space
Seeing God in every face
Being in Heaven in any place.
-Author: Paul Sekulovich
Until next week Magical Supersized Opti-Mystical Starstreaming Blessings!
January 5th 2014 notes:
Hyper Uber Super-Sized Magical Awesome Incredible Delicious High Definition Full Throttle Maximum Overdrive Waterfalling Starstreaming Transcendent New Years blessings to you!
This year reanimate your loves, desires, being who you prefer to be. Let Life, friends,
strangers, art, music, blogs, movies, songs on the radio, articles anything to inspire you back to your passions.
It’s a new year, time to uPgrade your thinking & reality!
See your New Years Resolutions as Self Love, not discipline
Let your life be powered by Gratitude, Appreciation, Wonder, Love, Creativity & Imagination!
Make the commitment & the path will appear.
Not your Breaking point, but your Breakthrough point.
The multiple amplification of love & gratitude turns into constant appreciation for all things.
Time to heal our brokenness, woundedness, hurts, numbness, oppressions, & rigid non beneficial limited thinking patterns.
Remodeling our consciousness:
Create, Educate, Appreciate, Lighten uP.
This year play with your “Thinker toys” have fun creating solutions.
Life is about what we pay attention to!
Imagination is “I magic nation” which lives within us all.
The city I live in is called Synchronicity.
Become a serial optimist.
I sign off with this thought:
Have compassion on your self & others who behave in ways you don’t like. See the love behind the pain that wants to be released.
January 1st 2014.
Magical super charged faster than light New Years blessings! -Marko
Three thoughts to consider for the New Year:
1)Worthiness. Give yourself the permission to be worthy of emotional & financial abundance, prosperity & happiness. Preferably in that order in the coming year.
2)Drop your attachment to conflict. The sun shines on everyone.
3)What would you do differently if you truly loved yourself?
More notes to come. uPdated weekly.
You can post your comments below.
I am always left feeling so refreshed and renewed when I check in and get my “Markoisms” of the day! Your ability to always see the upside of life’s events, no matter how daunting, is an inspiration to me. That is not always an easy task. And that is why the world has YOU!
Lisa McCormack
Thanks Lisa for your support. You know, if we create our reality in any way, it behooves us to be, feel & think positively.
Not to airbrush or use cover girl make up over our personal or even world problems, but to embrace them as opportunities to express a grander version of who we are. That’s why they are here. A great example would be the article I wrote on Negative thoughts http://www.markoworld.com/negative-thoughts/
Here we can actually see that negative thoughts and experiences are divine gifts to move us toward the place we desire to be. It can be a win win situation.
I think you are correct that one reason I’m here now is to give a spiritual booster shot of positive possibilities to those who need it or to those who see the world too cynically or negatively.
I hope that they can see a opti-mystic view of life that does not side step or spray paint over the pains & sufferings of life but embraces them in an alternative way.
Thanks for visiting & come again!