Everyday, we vote with our inner awareness of life, our continuous self-talk & our overall dominant attitude. I vote daily for higher consciousness, and I greet all hurt with Love & Compassion.
- Painting by Leonardo Nierman
It’s simple: we can practice and train our mind, attitude & inner dialog to look at all life through the lens of Love & Compassion. We don’t have to do this perfectly, and we won’t. Yet, that doesn’t have to stop us.
We can, in fact, have Love & Compassion on ourselves, in spite of our seeming imperfections, and that helps us to maintain that Love & Compassion a little longer than before. This is a practice that can grow & bloom, from winter to spring, in our inner and outer lives. This, in turn, influences the energy out-put we give to ourselves, others & the world. How Beautifully Grand!
When we hurt, we can have Love & Compassion on ourselves. When others cause hurt or harm, we can have Love & Compassion on them, knowing they themselves are also hurt, or they would not do the things they do. Love & Compassion are ways to begin to bring about the healing, to sustain the healing, and inspire more ideas from that beautiful energy.
We move, as best we can, into this state of beingness, because it feels good, creates good, and influences good. It’s a practice we can do, because we are learning & remembering to Love ourselves, and to Love Life.
We can do this, in spite of imperfections, flaws, problems & hurts. Thus the flaws, problems & hurts can be soothed, softened, healed & transformed. Sometimes instantly, sometimes later.
It’s not always easy, yet it’s necessary, if we desire to see, feel and experience more Love & Compassion for ourselves & our world. Aren’t we all worth it? Our course we are, and we & our world deserve nothing less.
Start now, because you know you Love life, and, in turn, it smiles back & Loves you. Life reflects our individual & collective energies. When we smile, Life, the Giant mirror, smiles & reflects this back to us. What do you think?
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“We don’t have to do this perfectly, and we won’t. Yet, that doesn’t have to stop us.”
I love this thought, Marko. Sometimes I get caught up in the “all or nothing” mentality. I am hard on myself when I forget. I feel disappointed when I act in ways that contradict who I’ve chosen to be in this world. You are always such a wonderful reminder that life is a neverending opportunity to choose again. Thank you for reminding me that the transformation is part of the process.
~ Lisa